Thumb_byron-king Byron King , Turfway Park , 02/14/2018 - General Posted : Feb 14, 2018, 8:50 PM

Quarantined barn horses from EVH1 seem well at Turfway, per official; tests to come next week

Kentucky Agriculture official Rusty Ford released the statement below on Wednesday evening...essentially, no news being good news regarding the status of the 25 or so horses quarantined in a barn at Turfway after a horse there tested positive for the equine herpesvirus (EVH1) and was ultimately enthanized.

"There have been no fevers nor any other evidence of illness reported in the quarantine barn at Turfway Park, and going through the barn last night, I did observe the population as being bright, alert, eating and with no evidence of illness.  I plan to be back on the backside and in the barn tomorrow evening as well.

Our plan is to collect samples (nasal swabs and whole blood) from each of the horses in the quarantine barn next week that could potentially qualify the quarantine and other restrictions to be released."

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