Thumb_dunleavytwitter Jim Dunleavy , Aqueduct , 02/18/2019 , Race 8 - DRF Live Posted : Feb 18, 2019, 12:54 PM

Aqueduct: Key scratches change complexion of Hollie Hughes Stakes

The $100,000 Hollie Hughes Stakes at Aqueduct on Monday has scratched down from 10 horses to six, losing the top two finishers from the Haynesfield Stakes on Sunday, plus morning-line favorite Build to Suit and 10-1 Runaway Lute.

Honor Up and Syndergaard finished first and second in the Haynesfield, separated by a nose.

Manny Franco, who originally was scheduled to ride Build to Suit, will now be on Tribecca. Junior Alvarado, who was named on Runaway Lute, will ride Bavaro.

The scratched horses all typically come from off the pace, which means the anticipated speed battle in the six-furlong Hollie Hughes between 8-year-old Eye Luv Lulu, Bavarao, Tribecca, and Sudden Surprise remains intact. Parx-based Bluegrass Express figures to settle several lengths off the pace and the deep closer Celtic Chaos should bring up the rear.

Bavaro may be the quickest of the expected pacesetters, and if he can clear early might take the field all the way. It is also possible Eye Luv Lulu might settle just off the pace and be able to pounce when the time is right. I think the latter scenario is slightly more likely and give Eye Luv Lulu a narrow edge.

The scratches make Celtic Chaos' task more difficult, as he is pace reliant and would have benefited if a second wave of horses - possibly including Build to Suit - took on the early leaders on the turn.

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