The Lone Star Park Showcase card of four restricted stakes Sunday has lured Direct Dial, the 2018 Texas-bred Horse of the Year. First post for the program is 2:35 p.m. Central. The stakes run in consecutive order, from the sixth through the ninth, and a late pick four linking the races will have a minimum guaranteed pool of $25,000. Th main track is anticipated as fast and the turf, firm, on an afternoon in the high 80s that includes a 15 percent chance of preciptiation, according to The Weather Channel. Below are resources from Daily Racing Form:
For entries, plus analysis and selections for each race Sunday at Lone Star:
Asmussen talks Direct Dial as well as promising starter in division of Texas Stallion Stakes:
Willis talks Texas Belle in Lane's End Danny Shifflett Scholarship Stakes:
New legislation aids breeding and racing industry in Texas:
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