There will be a pick-6 carryover of $260,473 into Friday’s card at Belmont Park after the wager went unhit for a second consecutive program.
The carryover was triggered when Chulainn ($19.60), under Manny Franco, got up in the last two jumps to nail Voliero in the nightcap. There were two live pick-6 tickets, each worth $130,236.50, to Voliero.
The other winners in Thursday’s pick-6 sequence were Dancingwthdaffodls ($36.80), Ninth Hour ($9.20), The Last Zip ($12.20), Higher Truth ($8.30) and Jalen Journey ($5.30). The consolation payout (5 of 6) was $1,479.
This is largest carryover of this Belmont Park meet, which saw the pick-6 wager return to its traditional format of paying out 75-percent of the pool to those who had all six winners with 25-percent reserved to a consolation (5 of 6) payout. That was a change from the jackpot format which only paid out the entire pool when there was a single winning ticket.
The pick-6 is now a $1 base wager. It had been $0.20 under the jackpot format.