A fast track is anticipated for the 10-race Rebel Day program at Oaklawn. It is 46 degrees and clear at present with temperatures to reach the high 70s by this afternoon. There is no precipitation in the forecast, according to The Weather Channel. Below please find Rebel Day resources from Daily Racing Form:
Solomini returns, meets Magnum Moon (pictured), Sporting Chance in Rebel: http://www.drf.com/news/classy-invaders-facing-capable-locals-rebel-stakes
Entries, with scratches as available, plus analysis and selections for each race Saturday at Oaklawn: http://www.drf.com/race-entries/track/OP/country/USA/date/03-17-2018
DRF Bets: www.drf.com/bets
Derby Watch, with Jay Privman, Mike Watchmaker: http://www.drf.com/derby-watch
Azeri robust prep for Apple Blossom: http://www.drf.com/news/blue-prize-tunes-apple-blossom-azeri
Untrapped goes for Essex: http://www.drf.com/news/untrapped-seeks-clean-trip-essex
DRF TV analysis for Oaklawn, featuring Dan Illman, Matt Bernier, Mike Beer: http://video.drf.com/#category/videos/drf-latest-videos
McGee: http://www.drf.com/news/mcgee-how-ill-play-oaklawn-saturday-march-17
TimeformUS analysis with David Aragona: http://www.drf.com/news/timeformus-kentucky-derby-prep-analysis-sporting-chance-likely-improve-rebel-stakes
Solomini pedigree analysis, Nicole Russo: http://www.drf.com/news/kentucky-derby-pedigree-profile-solomini
DRF Bets GamePlan: http://www1.drf.com/GamePlan/Mainmenu.do
The Wizard, with Analysis and Selections: http://www1.drf.com/Wizard/MainMenu.do
Daily Racing Form news feed for Oaklawn: http://www.drf.com/news/track_reports/oaklawn-park
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