Two days after he was discovered to have bruised a hoof, Gunnevera was able to go through a restrained gallop early Friday morning and appears to be on track to take his spot in the starting gate for the $10 million Dubai World Cup here tomorrow night.
Gunnevera returned slightly lame in his left foreleg after a strong Wednesday gallop and was found to have bruised a foot. A blacksmith removed the shoe on the affected limb and Gunnevera was soaked extensively in Epsom salts and treated with an icthammol poultice. He was reshold at 6:00 yesterday morning, trainer Antonio Sano said, and walked to the Meydan main track shortly thereafter to stand in the starting gate and jog in the chute. Sano said the blacksmith spent much of Thursday with Gunnevera providing further treatment, and on Friday morning, Gunnevera went through a slow gallop of more than a mile.
"The horse has responded 100-percent. The work he did today was very, very good," Sano said after watching Gunnevera pull up and talking with the colt's exercise rider.
Here's a link to a short video clip of Gunnevera heading off the track this morning.