Thumb_mary Mary Rampellini , Lone Star Park , 07/10/2021 , Race 1 - DRF Live Posted : Jul 9, 2021, 10:08 PM

Stars of Texas Day resources from Daily Racing Form

Lone Star Park puts on its annual Stars of Texas Day card Saturday. There are five restricted stakes on what is the penultimate card of the meet. The track will have an all-stakes pick four on races 8-11, and the fifty-cent bet will have a guaranteed minimum pool of $50,000. 

Jockeys Stewart Elliott and David Cabrera, who each won three races on the card Friday, sit atop the current standings. Elliott has won 64 races at the meet and Cabrera, 54, according to statistics from Lone Star. 

Steve Asmussen leads the trainer standings with 65 wins, while Karl Broberg ranks second with 53. Broberg's End Zone Athletics is the current leading owner wtih 40 wins at the meet, while Asmussen's personal stable ranks second in the owner category with 21 wins, according to statistics from Lone Star. 

Entries for Saturday, including analysis and selections for each race and scratches and other changes as available

Trainers Mindy Willis and Robertino Diodoro talk stakes starters Saturday 

Dan Illman with a DRF TV preview of a division of the Texas Thoroughbred Futurity 

Digitial Edition of Daily Racing Form 

More on trainer Frank Lucarelli, who is wrapping up his first season in Texas 

Claims count through 46 days of the 48-date meet: 218 head for $2.1 million 

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